Friday, December 10, 2010


Merry Christmas!!

I wanted to take a moment to welcome all that have accepted our invitation to participate on the blogs. As you probably know, there are a few of us that have taken certain responsibilities to help with the technicalities of setting up the 4th year.  It certainly has been a learning experience.  We are still working behind the scenes to set up and tweek the blogs.  I have corrected some errors on BLOG #2 that have been requested.  If you have a request, or, if you start a blog after the year progresses or need to make other changes, please send an e-mail to me  or post a comment.  The email is a better contact.  I may miss a comment.

I'll be working this weekend to add the last of the list that have registered so watch for an invitation in your email and follow the instructions so you'll be all set to post when you are ready.  To date, we have 13 that have not yet  responded to the email.