Hello Everyone! This will be my first year involved in the Bead Journal Project. I have been a fan of Robin's work since I first started beading. I was so excited when I came across the BJP blog last year. I have followed it throughout the year and have been just amazed at the beautiful work I've seen. I am excited to take part of the project, and to be inspired by such amazing beaders. Although I am not as experienced as many of the beaders here I still feel this is going to be such a positive experience. For me, this is an opportunity to bead for myself. I've been beading for two years, and have yet to make and keep a piece for myself. They are either sold, or given as gifts, or claimed by family. So this project is going to be my selfish monthly treat. I still haven't decided on a concept. I have lots and lots of ideas I am tossing around. I don't want to pick something so complicated that I won't be able to keep the commitment; however I also don't want to choose something so simple that I will get bored with it. There is still time to figure all that out :)
Again. Hello to everyone! I am anxious and excited to get to know everyone! That is after all, the other great part of this experience :)
Happy Holidays!